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When the pandemic hit about a year ago and there were no eggs in stores did you make the executive decision to buy 15 hens online and never have to worry about eggs again? Me neither… JK, I totally had 15 chicks delivered via USPS to the post office. Yes, that’s a thing. I ordered the rainbow layer assortment at Cackle Hatchery and had a great experience!

Chick Life

If you wake up one day and think it’s absolutely imperative that you buy chicks online like I did, you will need a few things. You will have to keep your chicks indoors for several weeks. We kept ours in a giant tote lined with puppy pee pads. Those beautiful little boogers will also need a heat lamp, a chick feeder, and a chick waterer. We had ours set up in our downstairs bathroom. The pee pads worked great until they got a little bigger then we switched to corn cob shavings from Rural King.

Big Girls

After the chicks did their time indoors we moved them outdoors to their big girl coop. My husband, who is for blog purposes referring to himself as Big Mountain Daddy, made a coop out of pallets and he did amazing! I do not know at all how he did it, or I would share. He has a whole watering set up he made too that keeps the water clean and lets us not worry about them running out of water when we’re at the lake. I may have him guest blog on the details of all things chicken in the future! The ins and outs of raising chickens with Big Mountain Daddy! I’d read it.

One thing that is SUPER helpful with the chickens is using a deer feeder inside their coop. We do a little traveling and are usually camping every weekend in the summer. Using that feeder lets us go without being tied down because we have livestock to care for. Ten out of ten recommend for anyone who wants to live the farm life, but just a little bit!

Raising Toddlers & Hens

I went from Little Miss No Eggs when the pandemic first started to having eggs up to my eyeballs. I am still looking for ways to use all of my eggs. While the pandemic seems to be settling down and you can just run to Aldi and get some eggs for less than a dollar, it has been pretty rewarding having chickens and doing it on our own. Wright absolutely LOVES the chickens and that alone makes it worth it! Chickens, gardening, and homesteading reminds us of growing up with our parents and grandparents, and that’s something we want for Wright as well.

If you have any suggestions of what I can do with my mountain of eggs, please please please share! Give me all the recipes! Ole girl needs them!