Normally downtown Charleston is not my jam. Fife Street Brewing, on the other hand, is ALL the jam! I never really thought of myself as a beer flight girlie, even if my style is giving ✨lumberjack✨. I do have to say trying to detect notes of toffee or banana with my unsophisticated palate was really fun!

The Booze

My favorite beer from our flight was Summers Street Wheat. I really could taste the banana! As an ex party girl, I do prefer wine over beer. I’ll recommend a vat of the seasonal sangria if you’re in that camp.

The Food

The largest chunk of the food menu was elevated grilled cheese, and let me tell you those grilled cheeses could stomp a mud hole in Panera’s grilled cheese’s ass! Why drop a fitty dolla there when you can eat local? In 2023’s economy we should be conscious of how far our dollar is getting us. You’ll get a bigger portions, better service, and BEER at Fife Street.

I ordered the Black Friday which was basically pan fried Thanksgiving. The bread was perfectly buttered and crisp. The muenster cheese made me feel some kind of way. The spinach was SO worth the effort of picking it out of my braces (gross, Anna). Did I mention the cranberry mayo dipper? I LIVE for dipping, and this addition sent my taste buds into overdrive. A tart cranberry and creamy mayo had a baby that imprinted on this turkey sandwich like Jacob Black imprinted on little baby Renesme. We don’t question it. It’s destiny.

Rob got the Fried Bologna that included banana pepper coleslaw. You read that right folks… Banana. Pepper. Coleslaw. 🤤 I didn’t get to try it, as I was too busy stuffing my face with my own grilled cheese. What is more West Virginian than a fried bologna though? Nothing. That’s what. I will be getting it next time. Maybe a friend can get the Black Friday and we can go do a switcharoo and go halfsies? A girl can dream.

Your grilled cheese will come with house made chips and pickles. That shit is GOOD! If you’re like me you can play the guessing game of what DID they season these pickles with? Look, I don’t know, but it’s AMAZING! It’s salty. It’s earthy. It’s tangy. It somehow tastes like a perfect fall day? Try one. You’ll get what I’m saying.

The Mood

As always we stan a place that we can adult with our kid in tow. They even had your traditional grilled American cheese on the menu for the littles. It’s just nice to not feel like a social pariah just because you procreated, ya know?

I am making an active effort to leave my house more often in 2024. Fife Street is already giving me the motivation to make a resolution I can keep. I have a girls dinner scheduled in January, and I’m looking forward to diving head first into some Summers Street Wheat.

Hit Me Up

Have you ate/drank at Fife Street? Let me know your recommendations on my Instagram!