Long Point

Summersville Lake

I first went to Summersville Lake in the Summer of 2008. I had heard of people going and sharing a picture here and there before social media blew up. At that point in my life I assumed to really see something beautiful and to really have an experience you had to leave the state. I always thought what little I had heard of Summersville Lake was just West Virginians grasping at straws looking to do something that wasn’t at least eight hours away. Let me tell you something… My 21 year old bitch ass was WRONG!

I fell in LOVE within minutes of hitting the water. At the risk of sounding dramatic, my life changed that day. I felt it in my bones, I felt it in my soul… this place was a part of me. How lucky am I that I got to experience an Appalachian spiritual awakening with my now husband who loves it just as much as I do? I hit the jack pot in many ways with the Big Tan Man, that’s just one of them.

There is so much I could say about what I consider my second home, I don’t even feel qualified to start. What if I can’t put into words just what a treasure we as West Virginians have right in the center of our state? I could talk about it for days. I have been making the ninety minute trip from Charleston as much as possible for thirteen years now and it has never gotten old. There’s so much I have done, and there’s still so much that I want to do.

There’s Something for Everyone.

One of the lake goers I have met along the way. She had some big energy and wanted me to take a picture of her boat. ❤

If you’re a boater, if you’re a kayaker, if you’re a paddle boarder, if you’re a beach dweller, if you’re a rock climber, if you’re a scuba diver, if you’re a wake boarder, if you’re a fisher, if you’re a hiker, if you’re a foodie, if you’re a bar fly, if you’re a camper, if hotels are more your thing — well then my friend, there is something for you!

You may own a camper, a tent, a boat, or kayak and are looking for a place to put those babies to use. If you don’t have any of those, don’t fret. There are a number of places where all the things are for rent. If you are just looking for a place to swim there are two beaches and various locations throughout the lake where people have trekked to some of the most perfect spots you have ever seen. If you’re looking to let some fresh water gospel into your heart, you’ll find it here.

It’s Absolutely Stunning.

There’s sixty miles of mountainous shoreline that hasn’t been and will hopefully never be interrupted by man. While I think privately owned lake front properties would be cool in a way, it would change the vibe of what makes this lake so special. I personally would rather look at the land God gave us as opposed to luxury homes cluttering up my view.

You can find mountains, rock cliffs, waterfalls, wildlife, coves, and even a lighthouse all on Summersville Lake. You can see some of the most beautiful sights from your boat, kayak, or swimming hole. There’s a whole other world underneath the surface with boat wrecks and the lost town of Gad, WV that you can explore scuba diving. There are three big no wake zones if you’re looking for some tranquility. There’s plenty of room out of the no wake zones to run full throttle to tube, ski, or wakeboard. The water is as clear as the day is long.

Lake People are the Best People.

Wright with his lake Oma. She took him like he was her own. ❤

The people at Summersville Lake are the best people. Period. We’ve had everything from motor issues to dead batteries on the water and have never had to wait more than minutes before someone offered a helping hand. The people you run into will not only treat your children and dogs like their own, but they will make you a plate of the fried catfish they caught the night before. See a mason jar of that West Virginia shine being passed around? Get in line, there’s plenty for everyone! You may just even get handed a solo cup of margarita without even asking.

The little community of lake bums you’ll find at the island in Battle Run are the standard of what to expect when it comes to West Virginia hospitality. We’ve been offered shelter from rain storms more times than we can count. I’ve seen boaters, kayakers, and paddle boarders alike happily entertain my two year old son when what they have is more appealing than what ole Mom can offer. My Labrador retriever has eaten a lifetime of snacky snacks from families embracing his fat boy spirit. When I say the people are the best, I am clapping between each word. I mean it!

This isn’t our kayak.

Beyond the Lake

You will find so many gems throughout the town, many of which I am still wanting to experience myself. All the cute locally owned restaurants, dairy bars, and shops have my FOMO kicked into high gear. There is too much to share on this post alone so be looking for future blog posts to see what all Summersville has to offer. The place I plan to highlight first is Gad Dam Brewing. Named after the quirky history of Summersville Dam, if the name alone doesn’t draw you in, the food and service will.

It’s 5:00 Somewhere.

You don’t have to leave the state to get that 5:00 somewhere Margaritaville feeling. It’s all right here. As any true blue West Virginian I have pledged my allegiance to Myrtle Beach. Don’t get me wrong, I love it there, but you can feel the same feels right here at home! I have skipped a beach vacation two years in a row now, and thanks to Summersville, I don’t feel like I’ve missed a thing.

What’s your favorite part about Summersville?

Is there anything I have missed? Have any suggestions of restaurants, shops, experiences, or locations I should explore? Please leave me a comment on the blog, Facebook or Instagram! I want to do it all!